Thursday 26 September 2013

Molokai Moments 2013: Day 10 - Race Day!


It's taken me a couple of days to recover and bring the blog up to speed with the most important day of all...race day!

We were up well before dawn after a restless night's sleep for most. Dry bags packed, shove some food down, then pile into an old yellow school bus for our ride by darkness down the red dirt road to the harbour.

We joined North Shore Outriggers on the bus, who were far more lively than we were. I think a few nerves kept us quiet as we contemplated the day ahead.

The bus journey was not without mishap - about half way down the rutted road we began to smell burning brake pads. Sure enough, 5min later we were stopped on the side of the road, bags and paddles in a pile. Broken down. Luckily there was a steady stream of cars passing, and plenty of offers for a ride. We took a moment to capture a team shot, then boarded another yellow bus.

Broken bus - not the best thing for race morning!
No opportunity wasted!
Phew. We'd made it to the harbour. We made a few final adjustments to the canoe, then were called to the gathering and prayer. A Hawaiian voice rang clear through the dawn light, as we stood, arms around each other, thankful that we were here, and wishing each other a safe journey. A few emotions were released, then it was on to the race.

Out to the start line, me, Nicola, Amanda, Kath, Cath, and Linda lined up with the other 70 crews racing today. It was exciting to be out there, looking for the starting flags and watching the support boats lined up behind the pink flags of the official boats holding them at bay.

The race started! The line of canoes surged forwards. We were right up there, working with some small pushes, following the line of Molokai towards Laau Point.

What an awesome race! Not to spoil the moment, I'll let Linda take it from here!

And after a short technical glitch...we continue:

The other person that was critical to our crossing was Eugene Lee, our calm support boat helper whose happy face always greeted us as we flopped, bedraggled from the water onto the support boat, needing sunscreen, sea sickness tablets, food, water, Gatorade. He kept us going, made sure we were ready to go, and kept things moving smoothly. Thanks Euge!!

Check out:
for a full set of race photos

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