Wednesday 1 June 2011

June 1: New Starts

June 1, and a new start to a month and a season! I’m equipped with the latest TimeOut and Delicious magazines and am ready to launch ahead.

There's something very refreshing and optimistic about new starts. I think that's why I like breakfasts so much. During conversation with my good friend, Julia, we realised that breakfasts are so great because they're a new start to the day, nothing has marred events so far, most (morning) people haven't had a chance to fall into an argument or have an unhappy encounter. The whole day of potential lies ahead - and what better way to begin this, than with some poached eggs with avocado on toast!

Nic enjoys breaky after another great paddling session

Similarly, on the first day of winter, it opens up a range of opportunities to embrace our chilliest time of the year. Curling up in a doona for a deep night's sleep (and hopefully a bit of a sleep-in) rather than wrestling with the sheets whilst tossing and turning on a still & scorching summer's night. Retreating inside to drink hot chocolate and watch DVDs on the couch, and not feeling so bad about not going for that run you'd been planning. Although it's not the end to all activity: squash becomes a more attractive option than tennis, Bikram yoga is relatively appealing. Hot roasts, hearty soups, baking brownies. A fresh selection of outfit options for work with soft jumpers, cosy scarfs and my favourite trench coat. The start of winter does bring some joy (although I still hate the cold!)

I guess the key is how to create new starts when we need them, without the need of a time milestone such as a new morning or a new month (or travelling thousands of kms)

But back to the offerings of TimeOut. Looks like they’re testing out Sydney’s best places for burgers. I’m up for checking their results!

Ice encrusted ferns on the roadside in NZ (2004)

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